Saturday, December 29, 2007
sorreh people, i came back long ago, just very lazy to blog. haha. i have lots and lots of pictures but its much easier to upload them on facebook cos of a facebook-iphoto function which is great. ;)
i bet most of u have a facebook account, so go there and see if u must. those of u who don't have, its about time.
well, the trip was great, esp w val around. we had a good time, see from the pics. haha. went many places, bought many things. hmm. yes. haha. what else to say?a pictures speaks a thousand words. i must've spoken more than a billion. ;)
nighto the world.
Labels: thailand
4:02 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
when i'm gone.
hey young folks,
i'm gna be at bangkok for the next.....nvm. sunday to thurs. haha. and guess what? val's coming too! surprisingly, my mum asked her along. haha. quite a huge thing for me and i know i dont show it much. =)
hmm. yea. just wanted to tell www that im going away. =D wiil post pictures when i get bacck. ;)
see you in thailand!
Labels: bangkok
12:01 AM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
remember the kayan post, i said i'll post a unglam pic of her? well, i couldnt find it but i found some others and decided to com out with a tribute to 5grace '06 ;)
a steamboat a marina beginning '07 i think.

the unglam shot. dont worry, i'll put more below, nicer ones that is.
oh, i dont know whose shit ass cam it was that took this last year i think. =D

One of my favourites from that day. Plus, the bus was reaching. hahaha.

no prizes for guessing what they were doing. haha.
the "jonah-organised" bbq. ;)

one for the start of another bbq.

the checkered bros.

the nice flame (sideways) that me and teddy bear "huff-and-puffed" up. =D

Thanks 5gR '06 for sharing the good times. ;)
St George (its an estate in Singapore.)=O

the emo guys HAHA.
sorreh, the girls not so onzz. =p

the "little" boy we gathered forr.

"where art thou zane~"

this is the only pic of the girls i have!!!i think the rest is w amaris. haha.
oh yes, just for info's sake.
from left: gowri, amaris, laura (quiet!), and KAYAN. haha.


-thus concluding george's farewell-

the '88s of 5gR

brian koh. woo, grumpy dwarf. doesnt he have that look.

(machiam wedding sial)

DOH! abit random but joel was and is a nice guy. so he deserves the credit. hahaha.
nice try bud. ;) i mean it.

don't tell me you weren't expecting this. haha.
~endd off graddnightt portion~
i bet this trip is hidden deeeeep in your memories. =D keep scrolling friends.

heh heh heh.

ahhh, ol' hasna. what a lady.

jonah, rmb your stint for lena chng?hahaha.

the good ol' group picture. &^*&$%# cameraman. hahaha.
from melaka, to
nothing actually. =x
i know i know. not periodically correct right?sorreh la. i just bomb anything i found first what.
haha.cant seem to find anything more. i bet eugene and amaris and gowri, who more often than nor, have cameras at these events.
oh well. lets meat up, 5gR '06. ;) hope u enjoyed it.
Labels: 5gR '06
2:35 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
well today was.... great weather day! really great weather. lovely cooling weather that God so richly blessed us with.
anyway, after caroling practice today, while killing time, i saw kayan at the interchange. what's she's in now is like, WOW and GG FOR HER!!!
she's designing a game for a global competition which might win her a ticket to france for the finals, afterwhich, 20,000buckaroos. Not forgetting, this stupid freaking competition might last her thruout the year, till next OCT! AND!! NO HOLIDAYS!!!=O
wow right? the thing that's REALLY wow is. kayan is the head of the group!!!=O like. yes, kayan. those of you who know her, you wouldn't think she would ever be head of anything in Sec sch right? haha. im really impressed by how far she's come.
btw, i think she looks like dine. haha.
ok. this post is suppose to encourage others. haha.
don't angry lehh...
Labels: kayan
3:54 AM