Monday, July 30, 2007
EVENTFUL WEEKHello val here, the week is too interesting i have to blog it!
Mondayfelt very emo and unloved in school! so i called ian and told him i needed some lovin' and we went to KAP to do some work. supposed to go IC but it was raining so another time. hahahaha i tried tricking him into doing my eom for me but he didnt fell for it :( some stupig hci guys were cursing rjcians on the bus IN CHINESE. woah. its sucha high level of bitching i cant even attain. zzz.
Tuesdaytues was friendship day. LK was so stressed she cried on the phone. poor, poor girl. what are friends for? (:
what are friends for?
WednesdayBangbangbangbangbangbang was slack for me and i felt like a loanshark chasing people for money hoho. Dine came over to my place and we tried doing our eoms but in the end we just went around stalking people in friendster (haha) and whining to each other about school. haha it was soo funny.
dine's my bestest friend i cant live without herrrr :)))))
Thursdayian came over to my place and helped to do my eom. (again) eom is so rubbish i hate it. we went to see a doc because of my ingrown and ate roti prata (sinful) and then later ate chicken rice (ian's such a pig he influences me to eat so much). we laughed and laughed over rubbish stuff, it was funneeeeeeeee. FUNNEEEEEE. (haha inside joke) ianny's sooo nicey he makes me laugh (:
Fridayhad brkfast in the morn with hweebee cheong we were supposed to gg BUT the other 2 didnt turn up! they must do detention! she'll probably punish them haha. we ate SME in class and gg-ed more during painting of stupid bin which turned out to be horrible haha. bangbang and went to safra with keryu jo and andrew. we had dinner and found out that jo's dogs are racist (haha) and we witnessed a gang fight! the bloody man was running away from the weapon man and we trailed his blood all the way to the interchange haha. andrew and keryu tricked me into taking their bus (bad people) and it was so smelly i had to smell my kfc coupons and notebook. andrew tay pig laughed at me. pigpig! but it was fun hanging out with them we should do it more often (:
SaturdayStudy study study at sgh and random stuff just happens. Dine came over to do eom AGAIN haha as usual she was procrastinating and we watched tv until 12 plus and ordered mac with sissy. hahahahahha we're such pigs.
Sundayplayed frisbee and bangbang again. had luncheon with the girlies. germs pet and jo was being soooo funny hhaaaa i love you girlies ((: 370! highest of this year, i hope it'll get better (: ian came over to my place again and we watched high school musical and 'sang along' hahaha mre like laugh at them. he gave me something really sweet and i love it (: thanks dearest.
Okay, there goes. Feel soo rusty i havent been bloggin for eons. Okay dine just asked me 'eh when is 2008? oh ya its next year' haha!
see, what jc does to you. bad, bad.
6:36 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
"Two Weeks From Twenty"
Jimmy wasn't really popular, he had a couple of friends back home. And sooner or later they're all getting out so he had to join up alone. He was dreaming of the Ivy League since he was only three feet tall. And get the hell out of jersey and then he would never look back at all.
And then your hear 'em say that miles away,"We lost another one that we sent with a gun."
They're gonna miss him he was two weeks from twenty and there's still no shame from the man to blame.
Jimmy never had a reason to stay cos all the factories shut down. All he had was a line for his name so he could sign away his right to be proud.
He tried to kiss her on the way out the door, she just put her little hand on his face. "I don't understand why you're leaving", she said,"but I hope your gonna ask me to wait."And then your hear 'em say that miles away,"We lost another one that we sent with a gun." They're gonna miss him he was two weeks from twenty and there's still no shame from the man to blame.
Jimmy's mother went to Capitol Hill so she could fill her heart up with joy. Maybe shake a few hands while she's there and tell them,"Thank you sir for taking my boy."
And then your hear 'em say that miles away,"We lost another one that we sent with a gun."
They're gonna miss him he was two weeks from twenty and there's still no shame from the man to blame. No there's still no shame, and we're all to blame.
see that in bold?damn, that line can affect me. painful story/song, however you want to see it.
i've been wanting to blog for quite awhile already. but work is killing me.
what: recording (of all things)
tamil lectures.
where: SIM
when: 2weeks (1 of which has passed, fortunately)
my one and only incentive, other than the pay. haha. its lovely really.
thank God for ken/yick kan, whichever, at least some days got him to talk to. haha.
since mon, everyday is soooo difficult.
oh thurs. important day. haha. IS presentation day. check out our clothes:

if you cant see, 3 of us guys (yes the ones in white are all guys) are wearing the same thing!white top, black bottoms and red tie. haha.
i just realised that if you look long enough, you could mistake azian (the one at the bottom, our group leader) as a guy. HAHAHA.
that pic is the official "FUNERAL FOR THE MAN" picture until kenrick's holga pics come out. i bet they look great. haha.
gosh, im dead beat from recording indians shaking their heads in unison and expressing themselves in some alien language.
gnight lovely people who allow me to entertain you with my blog.
ive not seen you in a week. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Labels: IS, work
1:19 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007
wah lao.
friday 13th.
seriously man. suayness started right in the morning. even before i got up.
background info: i sleep on a double deck. if im lazy, i'll just slp at the bottom deck.
ok. here's what happened.
dreamland: i was on the bottom deck. sleeping happily.
real life: i was on the upper deck. alarm clock rings.
so, if u were on the lower deck, u'll just walk off the bed right? well, thats what i did. but on the upper deck. imagine it. i wasnt even awake till im mid-air, heading for the floor.
crashhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! bro, who wont wake up even if there's a war going on, shot up, startled,"you ok anot?" haha.
aftermath: i broke my fall sub-consciencely with my left hand. now it hurts like mad. i think there's a small fracture or sth.
yes. stupid beginning to a already foul stricken day.
11:28 PM
hey people.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
did a funny thing on thurs. haha.
we just got off the bus. going to block 50. imagine. far east to heeren with a hill where taka is. climb it. darn. thinking abt makes me tired.
so daryl was...taking a break from...walking. ya. i became tired from the bus ride. we were lazy to walk.
ian - "i feel like taking a cab in."
porkball - " ok la!i pay."
cool. hailed. cab came.
ian - "sorry ah uncle, tired."
hahha. quite an experience. everybody should try it once in their ngee ann life. its fun. hahaha.
Labels: stupid things
1:17 AM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
another week of sch has passed. hows that. another 1 or 2 mths to the next test/exams. crap.
had this "photo camp" with kang wei and sy. haha. cool pics we took.
wth. cant upload pics. nvm. another day.
yea that was friday overnight to sat.
the whole week before was val's birthday week .haha. happy birthday.
yea. im really broke now. crap.
Labels: broke, photocamp
4:50 PM