Thursday, March 29, 2007
hey world.
these few days have been a blast. haha. update!
i am currently updating with my new and totally White macbook! oh YES!lemme repeat that. I GOT MY MACBOOK!muahahahaha. i feels freaking great. its like...every time you work on it, its a game. oh yes. a really fun game. haha.
ok, enough ian.
ive been uploading so many songs onto the macbook. its really easy too.
anw, been spending alot of time with church peeps. and not enough time w valerie. gosh. i need to prioritise.
my aunt in L.A wants me to get a job during this few last weeks before sch starts. but i wish to finish what im to do with church first. during these 2 weeks i mean. cos after these 2 weeks, most church activity will be done and it will be more smooth sailing.
hmm i thank God for seeing me through my enrolment. yes, there are afew unsettled forms, but it has been getting better in recent times. => God works in AMAZING ways. thank of you guys for praying. =>
i shant update about other days cos i dont really rmb. so about today.
its really easy to blog abt today cos today didnt really exist cept for me going out w grandma. haha. she's quite fast despite her problematic leg and age. she limps slowly to the MRT's lift. lift door opens. and she suddenly turns into the flash!woooosh!she's at the door!=O i was shocked too. waoh!haha.
then i came home and slacked till 7pm. it was sean's birthday today. happy 20th dud. ;) we went to the airport so send him off. he was going to frankfurt for audio training. i know. WTH?!haha. yes on his birthday. but its cool. haha. went to fish and co. for dinner and got his cake cut and fish&co. staff surprised us with a very cheesy version of happy birthday. it was more like a cheer. haha.
_____________ FISH&CO!
__________BLA BLA BLA
haha. with the boom boom clap throughout. and sean had a sparkler in his hand which was at a rather inappropriate position. haha.
his parents came, bugged him to check in and bla bla bla. he went in. 'bye sean!', hug, 'bye!' hugs another...........
oh, foo drove so it was easier transport on our side. haha. yup. as we were sending lemon home, after thea, vern had the sudden urge to enter ' the legendary home of lemon jiang'. so we did. haha. he had some 'love airwave' magazine which is about sex and positions and other people's sexual problems, or so they think they are problems. had a fun time laughing at the 'problems'.
'I recently had sex with two guys. I found out I was pregenant but I don't know who the father is. Is there any way to find out?'
yes, its one of the qns.
at that time is was already....12.45?yes and foo sent me home after.
val: thanks for bearing with me. You know how much i feel for you. and although you have been mad at times, thanks for always forgiving my stupidity. Thank you. (btw, figured out the tabs yet?=D)
to the others who ahve been around me: thank you for doing just that. it has been great fun and an adventure. =>
-yes, i am ordinary. but you're the extrordinaire-
11:59 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
im sad...
its like something's amiss from your life...
don't worry, it'll be over soon. but i'm still sad...and tired. and sighing...
np enrolment is a bitch. y isnt it easier to get loans and stuff. yes yes, i need a loan. cos im poor.
and like i have no time for friends and stuff. i hate growing up. wouldn't it be nice to just be irresponsible and run away...but then again, that's being irresponsible and thats not me.
alas, today was my last day of work. im getting 450bucks. well, i think thats alright. i really did do my job and i tried to do it to the best of my ability. i went out of my way to help students even tho denphie (colleague) said its not needed. see?!but then again, its SERVICE.
that bring me to my next point. i went for IBS (inductive bible study) today. i didnt go for the previous classes but this time, they were starting on a new topic. "Evangelistic Lifestyle training." today, we learnt of the different types of evengelism and what type are we. i realise that i was the SERVICE type. which got me thinking, no wonder I'm soo patient with all the rubbish being thrown at me from eveywhere.
guess that's God's calling. => thank You.
well, got half of my np enrol settled. just have to buy laptop and get the loan and i dont know what else. rubbish.
i need to get out. have a day to relax.
but sadly, im going to sentosa on mon. well, yes it IS leisure. but...its not rest, its tiring. i neeeed to sleeeep!!!and the looming weekend is not going to help in any single way. the only way is with God. pray that He'll grant me rest and sleep k?=>
hmm...yes. i need to meet you soon too. its been a long time.
Intro/Verse 1---------------------------------------------------------- 2---------------------------------------------------------- 3--4-/-8--8-8-4-/-8-8-8--4-/-8--8-8--4-/-8--8-8---- 4--x-/-x--x-x--x-/--x--x--x---x-/-x--x-x--x-/-x--x-x--- 5--2-/-6--6-6-2-/-6--6-6--2-/-6--6-6--2-/-6--6-6--- 6------------------------------------------------------------ X6
6---------------------------------------------------------- X2
=> figure it out. yes, its kinda messy, but i tried.
i miss you.Labels: last day of work, no life.
1:28 AM
Friday, March 16, 2007
i feel like...SHIT. crap. any equivelant. arghh. so frustrated over the np enrolmaent package. package my ass. its just a file. assholes.
wtc am i suppose to bloody do with it?!ahh shit. i feel like crap now. everywhere i look, its problems. as i read blogs, everywhere is problems. png's grades, candice's uni choices, matt's busy-ness, etc.
everybody needs a break. some part of me wants to quit sch and be the tech-man that SIM needs. but thats just the part of me that wants to escape from reality. the reality is to get my diploma. but..............why?!when i don't look forward to the course???why why why...
work has been great these days. busy as it may be sometimes, it is still really enjoyable. now you know why i wna go work there. its something i like to do!i wont complain even if its boring...sigh...
things never did work out for me ultimately. yes, the middle parts are great, but at the end, end product sucks. for example:
pri sch - 1-6 was great fun, heehee haahaa, but PSLE sucked.
sec sch - yes it was great but i failed Ns once, realised i wasnt studying enough, studied really hard and still got shit grades got Os.
crap isnt it?well, such is life. God, where are You?
i need relief. an escape. from reality. to a distant beatiful land where problems are banned. i suppose i'd have to die first.
rescue me, strong girl.Labels: life sucks.
1:55 AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
darn it.i actually blogged abt my weekend. but it got lost. crap. im not gna do it again.
anw, im listening to Billy Gilman. WAOH!that kid can sing. wonder how old is he now though.
Viking: the next 200 years,
European history is filled with tales of Vikings and their plundering. (wikipedia)
i didnt know vikings were so vicous. i just thought it was like a legend and that they were just some village people. haha.
if you're wondering why i suddenly looked up 'vikings', it cause i saw the trailer for some viking movie. i'm sure you saw it and suddely thought 'oh yea, vikings.' haha.
Scientology: The Church of Scientology says that Scientology is concerned with "the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life."[9] By contrast, Dianetics is more narrowly focused on getting rid of the reactive mind, the "bank" of traumatic memories known as engrams which are said to inhibit one's success and happiness.[10] Scientology also covers topics such as ethics and morality (The Way to Happiness), drug and chemical residues as they relate to spiritual wellbeing (the Purification Rundown), communication, marriage, raising children, work-related problems, education (Study Technology), and the very nature of life (The Dynamics). (also by wiki - a load of crap, honestly. but its always good to equip yourself with knowledge. i didnt know what was scientology and had the urge to find out for the past few months. some urge huh.
ok this post it rather random. haha. but i got nth to do now. no im not at work. but im gna tmr.
im bored with work. and i think its gna get busier at work. Student/customers come, editing vids takes up more time than going to SIM.
anw, gimme a show of hands - would you rather a chatterbox here or comment place?
ok, love ya friends. cheers. ;> (cheers is getting cheesier. it was cool like 2years ago.)
hmm, evil ball. hahaha.Labels: random rants., scientology, viking
2:22 AM
Friday, March 09, 2007
work.its the slackest job ever. if i wanted i could've blogged there. but i didnt wna be bad. i hope tmr i'll do more useful stuff there. =>
come on guys, tag me la. =Dhugs. =>Labels: work
2:23 AM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
THANK GOD!God is good i got my thumb drive back!
all the time, it was at val's place!
he puts a song of praise in this heart of mine.God is good i left it there last thurs i think.
all the time, my bad =D
through the darkest nights, his light will is all around...hahahahaha!
Labels: found thumb drive
11:17 AM
SIGH.God help me tide throught this though time.
gosh. i just might have lost my thumb drive. its as good as losing my thumb. SO MANY THINGS INSIDE! im so dead. please pray for me.
my aunt (jee kor as i call her) came from LA for a visit. she arrived last night at 1am.
and with my hectic schedule, its no wonder ive only seen her once which was at the airport. i really wna spend more time w her during her stay here. but with work starting tmr, its a miracle if i do even see her again.
lets review my schedule. thurs and fri, work from 1pm-9pm.
my sat is fried and sunday im only free at night.
mon to fri again, 1-9 unless i choose to work from 1-5 or 5-9 instead of full shift.
sigh. come png, sigh w me. 1, 2, 3!
SIGH...prayer is a strong power that cannot be underestimated. its can work miracles.
and to my classmates who read my blog, here is a special invitation to my church's concert on 7th april. please come. the ticket is not free, but its been paid for. by Jesus who died for our sins.
so come k?=>
cool shiat i jsut found out. thanks to sydalg. ♀☺{♪♫☼☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◄↕‼►♪2♣→↨↑§τσ├╘◙¶▲⌂♂♀
got alot more but im not in the mood. its cool tho. im really down now. sigh.
thumb drive thumb drive, where art thou thumb drive.lets try and try again.going np anyone?let me know k?cos i am too. =>
Labels: thumb drive
1:25 AM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
did i crash CJ?i dont know, but i'll tell you my day and you be the judge. haha.
headed down to val's sch (CJ) with mel and laura to 'collect her notes'.
had lunch first at the canteen at CJ. western wasnt that bad...then as were Q-ing for our drinks, this almost bald guy comes up to me and says "you are from?"
"I'm her brother. I'm here to help her collect take her notes."
baldy - "ok. then you better go and register for a visitor's pass at the admin office.'
me - "but we wont be long."
baldy - "but i'd rather you go and take the pass. i don't want the security guard to chase after you."
the prob is, there was no security guard in sight since i stepped into the sch and left. ass.
ian to val - "who was that?"
val - "the vice-principal."
anyway. as i walked thru the sch, i notices many heads started swishing my way. can you imagine a whole canteen staring at you?anw, even mel noticed. "YOU are attraction alot of attention." went her comment.
went to the admin office.
ian - "er, i'll like to register for a visitor's pass.'
staff - "why?school finish already what. no teachers or anybody around."
WTH?!?!is that what the pass is for??to siam the teachers???HAHA.
went to their classroom. WOAH IT WAS SMALL. haha. really really small. even the biggest was smaller than KCP's smallest. -notes unfound-
went to watch shuan's catain's ball match. that monkey with flailing arms. it was really fun to watch. entertaining if you may.
then this big ang moh guy in what looks like a nurse's uniform came up to me. to the best of my knowledge, he's the principal, Brother
from another mother Paul.
BP - "(i forgot what he said)"
ian - "im her brother. im here for her notes."
BP - "you are from the notes??" (are you deaf?!)
ian - "nono, im here to help her take her notes."
BP to val - "you cant take them yourself?" (screw you la.)
BP to me - "you are unemployed are you?"
ian - "huh?"
BP - "nothing to do."
and he walks away.
like...screw you so hard you brains blow old man. and val says he's funny. he's by far the rudest principal i've seen that treats a family of a student like that. if i really were val's bro, he'd have lost his job by the end of the week.
yesh and we left after the match. and with mel's fever at 38deg. haha.
yes!i got the job at SIM!cindy intro-ed it to me and its about taking videos for the students for their project. thanks so much cindy.
one prob. my mum reminded me that my aunt is flying in from LA tmr at 1am. its so gna crash with the SIM thing. crap. why does everything crash. God, please let it work out. please.
don't push me away please.Labels: crashing CJ, SIM job
1:13 AM
Monday, March 05, 2007
wow, finally some time to relax.waoh. what a night. I've been busy talking to people and doing church work namely emailing and planning. thats hard work dawg.
this weekend was a real whack in the head. it left many dazed, wondering what hit then. but God, being the gracious one, led us by our hands back to reality. so lets wait for next week's rollercoaster ride.
Ignite D'amore.nice name huh. i like. i really dont know what was so bad about that concert!i think it was a great concert!(with the exception of the power of THE josh groban of course) i had fun up in my lil pigeon hole. haha.
after the concert, i headed for prata house w jacky and dinewme. wah lotsa crap came out there. haha.
thereafter, foo came and pick me up. yes, in his car. toyota wish~ respect sia, just pass only drive family car...woo~ we went to coconut grove at kovan(near my place) with a bunch of friends that im lazy to name. haha. a bunch is enough. i had a corona.
afterwhich, queen sent me home in his integra!wah lao, all got so nice car la. bloody helll. SK, its your fault i havnt got my basic yet. haha.
then comes the weekends where there was a rush of emotions. total emotional rush. and its not a good thing. i came out of saturday with a painful throat cos i forgot to drink water.
I'm freaking tired now(sunday) cos i played street soccer. i want to sleep.
i still have lots to do. but not today. another day. tired.
darn i want a cam. so that i can take nice pics. and enter competitions and be appretiated for sth i'm good at.
last week i saw a boy, probably barely pri 1 with a digital SLR around his neck. and he was tossing it in the air!!!crap. and his mom was so indifferent to his nonsense. crap.
sometimes i think life's a bitch. but God shows me all the blessings he's showered me with. like this com which im typing on, etc.
ok, enough. im really tired. goodnight world wide web.
don't angry already la~~Labels: roller coaster ride
1:38 AM