Tuesday, February 27, 2007
memorable day. =>i had lotsa fun today. not now tho, gta headache. stupid hairband.
here goes - met png to go down to np to appeal. erm. lets just say it was a wasted trip. but hte sandwich made it half as fulfilling. =D
met krys and zhi wei at toa payoh to go Kbox!woohoo!
and thaaaat make yoooou laaarger than LIFE! hahahaha. waoh so fun. confirm go back again. seems like fun comes with a price.
One love, Oh I do believe One love is all we need! its really ex. maybe its just me. im going dead broke. pray that i get that tony roma's job k png!haha.
Why did you leave me Soledad~ we just couldnt stop!even after our time was up!since they didnt stop us, we went on!
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. i actually had to go for a gathering a marina!haha.
Why'd it take me so long just to findthe friend that was there all along. we had to leave la. haha.
marina!kayan's bday was yest so we celebrated it. more pics at amaris's site!=> haha. had fun till the very end.
lastly, helping val on her 'save-the-world' mode, lets do a little for the little people that makes our lives so much more brighter.
http://lightamillioncandles.com/ pls?
i'm helping you!Labels: kbox
2:32 AM
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Thank God for He is good. =>here's what happened -
at yest's 'True Love' rehersal wrap up, i was playing w matt's hair, not knowing he was like mad. so i cont. then he turned "YOU KNOW VERY IRRITATING ANOT?!" ok fine~~
so i was like mad too la. shout at me for what.
then i turned to the Lord. i went to read daily bread. i flipped to a random page that i thought i might want to read. true enough, i DO want to read. its about the blame game. which started with adam and eve. adam ate the fruit and blamed eve who blamed the snake bla bla bla.
so its like God telling me not to blame others. so God told me to give in. i did and matt felt better. => God is good.
oh matt, dun get mad over the post at sam's house that one hoh. its just a fun dig at you.
i wonder why weekends are the most tiring these past months. i went w/o proper food till dinner today. (sunday)
so tired. and val's angry w me. and i helped her w her proj again. =< she's watching that stupid hakakimchi or sth w her mum. what the crap. and im in the room blogging. =< wah~~ im becoming a house ornament.
9:12 PM
Friday, February 23, 2007
hello again peeps.i realise alot of people read my blog. Let u guys know sth: i hope you will respond! its nice to read responses like: "SCREW YOU!"(maathew ong) or "awee~~ thats sweet~" or "hmm ok." will do nicely. haha. please give me sth to read when I come to my blog.
but I'm not like vic who wants people to actually say, "DIE BITCH DIE!!!" on her blog. hahahahaa. im not that sadistic.
ok, Dear diary -
I've been helping Val out with her project her whole group, which I'm not in, was suppose to do. Yes, they did help, but Val's job was on my shoulders. haha. Don't know to blame her anot...nvm, I'll just pray for good time management for her.=>
I foresee I'm gna be really REALLY busy with the 'True Love' concert. To all those reading, I kindly invite you to my church on 7 April for a concert. Do contact me or leave a tag if you're interested. No exceptions for the kingdom of God is for everyone. =>
I've been slacking alot lately. Wake at 1+ or 3, watch tv till 4+. then go meet val or go to her place. haha. then come home use the com till like, 4+ 5. then the whole cycle repeats when i wake at 1+ again...But lucky I've got church to put me in motion. so God is good. =>
I'm going for a church CNY dinner tmr (fri) night. It's a NINE course dinner worhz!!!=D I'm playing guitar for the dinner so I get free good food. If im not playing, I gta pay $38. woosh. haha. thanks God! the only thing that worries me is that the whole dinner is in Chinese / Hokkien. Even the songs I'm playing is in Chinese / Hokkien. =/
haha. I'm in a good mood. Had a 'True Love' meeting today. Theodore called in the middle of it and called me to his house to eat. HAHA. cool. some of 5gR was there too. then he asked me whether got job anot. obviously no. so he called me to tony roma's. WOOHOO!
i know i know, i didn't wna waiter job at first. but sch's gna start and if i dun get a job soon, I'm gna be stuck w/o one. Yes its gna be tiring but.....I'll just hvae to pray then. I still hate River Island for not giving me a job. but i love their clothes man...nice~ but ex. that's why i need a job.ahahhaa.....
So, now i have a potential job (hopefully i won't have to cut my mane), money from CNY and my metro job, something to keep me on my feet ('True Love") and someone to look after me (God). and val. =>
ok guys!so rmb, leave sth for me to read. and come for 'True Love'!=D
you're welcome~!Labels: my life so far
1:48 AM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
CNYwell, usually CNY is quite a drag cos of visiting long dist relative, seeing old people u never knew existed but turns out familiar, this kid pops up and people tells u he's your nephew, this aunt pops up and says she's your cousin, etc. errr okay~
but this year was different. cos my dad wasnt around. woohoo!like i said, i went around w uncle vic. as gladys would put it, "eez e bez worzZz." haha.
yea, yest i went to uncle richard's. they few church pple were there. haha. had a blast there. much noise and laughter in the house. esp from matthew. he's like...ultimate loudness. like he makes an effort to scream at the top of his voice but he's still thinking of what to say so he's just screaming "ER ER ER/BUT BUT BUT (pronounced as 'burt')" at the top of his voice.
just ask those who went to uncle kim meng's/sam's/nana's place today (tues). we played 'mafia' and he was like...(what i said) and i was like.
'just shut up la and stop embarassing yourself.' in my head of course...gosh.
okay enough of that loud mouth. (i know ure reading matt. =D) lets swoon over uncle kim meng's cooking. OH MY GOSH. the mutton he was cooking when we were playing games smelled SO VERY OH MY GOSH NICE.
and (
oh torture) we can't eat it...we already had lunch and the muttonw as for the dinner guests...=<<<> i like.
imagine this.
morning, you go to relative's place and snack on the same new year stuff you've had for the past 2 days. (what the heck, just eat.)
uncle kim meng's place, he cooks a marvelous lunch and u can't not eat alot cos its so nice. then there's the same snacks again. and we played a game which penalty is eating oranges. yay.
then, boon tong kee. and after that, stupid mei (gladys) wants to bake cookies. had abit of bee hoon that val had to eat.
on the way home, i ate an orange that val's mum gave me.
at home, mum just bake some cake and made me eat some. and gave me an egg tart and glutinous rice. i couldn't resist.
crap, i can starve for the next 2days. im freaking freaking full now i feel like puking. but its a good problem don't u think?compared to those less fortunate...spare a thought for them ya?
lets make the world a better place. for the future, our kids and the world that God gave us. and for them -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9y45nJWkqYLets make Him proud and take care of it. =>
i didn't mean it!honest!Labels: CNY, extreme full stomach
12:41 AM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
- stupid 'Weird Game' png out me up to -
Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a post of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
6 Weird Things About Me:
1. I'm REALLY REALLY quiet at home. Completely different what I'm outside. I do a 720 degree change once none of my family members are around.
2. I sleep easier on buses than at home on my bed. reason being that buses have that roaring engine and that makes me sleep.
(wow, it kinda makes u think.)
3. I want to be somebody I'm not. (don't ask me who or what.)
4. I sometimes (or rather often when i look in the mirror) think that if there's someone that looks exactly and behaves exactly like me, I'll hate his guts. like really hate. i'll find him disgusting and...ugly?haha. i duno, but i'll just hate him.
5. I like classical, rock, metal, accoustic, techno, etc etc. the only genre i think i cant stand is country music. they sound really stupid w that stupid accent. agree?
6. When i cant sleep, i count sheeps. like i really count. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. haha. go figure.
6 moreeee peeps..
1. Dine With Me
2. Adriel
3. Meli Lime
4. Matt Ong
5. lemon
6. i really duno who!
My mum is super woman! I love her.=>
she cleared and decorated the house in one night(fri night)!i woke up and like. woah. things dangling from the ceiling, red glittery things on the walls etc. yes i helped abit the night before but...wow. she slept at 4am. =< God, bless her with good health and sleep.
to day (sunday) was a good and fun day. => went to church for God's blessing first then headed down to uncle victor's place. hung around there the whole day. so many pple!so many ang paos!so many money.=D i havnt counted yet tho (val was angry at that). uncle victor was funny:
cand, joey and eugene and i were playing card. he sat w us and said "come, i let u guys earn money."
he took out all his small notes and coins. "only one dollar minimum ar." so began our gambling rendezous. haha. i took out 4bucks frm my wallet and out back 15. woohoo!haha. thanks uncle vic. =D
he left when he lost all his small notes, =D
cheer up, aNgElzZLabels: cny rendezous., crazy weird game, super mum
11:45 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007

aint u loving it mel.
have a great new year!=>
Labels: mel and teng kiat
1:11 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
Darnit.actually wanted to post a very funny pic of mel and....someone. but stome probs arised.
so stay tuned to have a good laugh, or shocked if you're mel. =D
12:53 AM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Valentine's?*giggles*haha. hello. today was relieving. woohoo!i feel....free!!!=D
i submitted the bloody form. to the shock of others. yippee! 3/12...hmm one thing that really put me down (for awhile) was this: many people ask me "what if you don't get into any of the 3?"
well, you wouldnt be asking me that qn if i had gotten 15 points right?you'll be like "oh ok. you sure get in one la."
to those who asked, its ok, im not angry. just mad at myself that i did badly. but all that's over now. screw it!=D
today was fun. no actually, tonight. the day was rather...stupid. i feel stupid for doing it: i stayed home the whole day doing nth. watching tv, com, eating junk food that gave me ulcer, etc...
dumb right?well, here comes the fun part. me and val wanted to do sth different for this year. its not about us. we gave her mum a treat. a home cooked meal by us. haha. i cooked the chicken chop. it turned out good.
I'm considering being a chef.=D I CAN COOK!really, rmb the last time i cooked at their place?dude, it was nice!this time, nice too!!!woohoo! shatec, here i come.>=D
i had fun cooking even tho i made a mess. haha. i cleaned up of course. im a good boy. weird thing is, i've nv cooked at home. again its about my family matters, but we'll pick that up on another day. now its celebratory mood. =D
haha. val has an econs test that she didnt really study for. haha i think. good luck!=>
valentine's wasnt really a big deal for me this year. i had good clean simple fun. i bought val a water bottle. a month before valentine's. haha. almost forgot about it also, wanted to buy her something. or rather, she wanted something. hahaha.
well, its been crazy... these few weeks. the roller coaster...at the end of the ride, you'll be satisfied. hopefully on this ride, i won't crash. (as in, fail to get a good course.)
hey readers, im sorry for my constantly long posts. really. i just get lost in typing and typing and typing. pls understand that its an outlet for me to vent, rant and rat. as u've seen in previous posts.
ok gna stop now lest i lose a reader. haha. gnite yall.
btw check this out: another cool one!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2bcPIXl8kc&NRcome back!Labels: valentine's a relief.
2:29 AM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
WHAT DID I DO?!gosh. just like everybody else, i hope i made the right decision. but sth tells me it was wrong...
i only filled in three choices...outta 12. so that kinda sucks. maybe thats whats telling me that i was wrong.
"FILL OUT ALL 12 YOU DICK!STUPID STUPID STUPID........................" says the little voice at the back of my mind.
"with what?" i reply it.
"oh yea, you're not interested in anything else...ok then." the voice became clear.
so i hit submit. and the voice came back.
"wah just fill it with
something la!LAW oso can!NURSING oso can!" i faded the voice out. bad company.now im doubting my decisions. God, did i do the right thing?
Labels: difficult decision. made.
2:07 AM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
damn this is hard.HEY. this is a plea to anyone who think he/she can help me make this difficult decision.
IF i were to submit my JAE application now, i'll only fill out 4/12 slots. i dont wna do that. crap.
so if u think u can help me make my choice easier............help?
Labels: difficult decision.
3:17 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
I'm lost.gosh. i dont know what to choose. really. so far i've come up with 5 choices. and i came across this really interesting "course".
Engineering Common Year Programme (ECYP). it lets u take the basic modules needed for engineering courses. then u can choose in the 2nd year what u wna take. => its the next best thing.
my other choices -
-Film Sound Video NP (i know i didnt make the cut, but im trying anyway)
-audio visual technology NP
-interior design SP
-Material Science SP
i still have like SEVEN other choices!i really dont know what to put down. i've looked thru all the possibilities. no more that i like, i want, i can. =<
will it be alright?screwed.
8:42 PM
I'm not in the mood.truth be told, i'd rather not blog. lazy or moody, take your pick.
update: my results suck. and i just realise by how much.
i have been looking at my choices tonight and seeing the cut-off point of those im short-listed to do, the difference is.....larger than large. i wonder how they choose those courses we're short-listed to.
so far i've only applied for JPSAE. i wish i could stop there. but there's still JAE to decide. all 12 choices. oh Lord, grant me wisdom please.
enough on that. i'll like to "reply" to yiye's (png) post on family. -
i know not many people know much about me and my relationship w my family.
this is the jist of the Lim family - we all (mum, elder bro, me and small bro) HATE our father/husband. we have diagnosed him with a mental illness and refuse to believe he's better.
seriously, would you like a dad who finds fault with you for putting things on the floor?everytime he comes home?
screams at your mum for not helping in the house when he himself is a SOAB that doesnt earn money?
oh how i wish to scream profanities. really. i've only begun to describe the monster my family lives with.
only recently has he started work as a real estate agent and he expects my mum to help him when she's working almost full shifts everyday and she puts up with all his shit.
yes CNY is nearing. he scareams at her for not clearing the house. is he even doing anything?!no, he just screams and screams and screams.
just yest night, he told elder bro to talk to me about my choice in poly. fine.
he wakes fun from her sleep cos he wants her to be involved. fine.
bro, mum and me talks in the room with him outside. talk ends.
"i dont need to be involved is it?!i am the head of this house ok!bla bla bla bla" its all rubbish anyway.
and he goes on to say fine, all ian's studies is now all my mum's business, he's not gna care anymore.
then he went out. alas, its temporal.
my mum and i and both bros are in the room and i ask y the the bloody world dont you divorce him.
mum: u see he's so unstable, he anything oso can do.
i was thinking, what can he do that we all can't handle. we've thru shit from him. kicking his ass outta this place will make this place almost heaven.
note: ive not spoken to him since that time (right after my Os) when he told me to take charge and write down what us 3 bros want. I wrote - dad leaves, we clear up house, divide chores. AND HE TOLD US TO SIGN IT. that bloody mofo hasnt left yet.
yess, this is just an insight of my family. a beautiful family ruined by a person i call dad.
screw you 'dad'. we hate you. get out. stop ruining our life. our future doesnt include you. AT ALL.
don't try to understand. just know.alas, the windy days are gone, heat beating on our backs.screwed.
3:43 AM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Tomorrow's Results. I'm Hungry.really i am. now i mean. anyway, Aqila, if u're reading, thanks. alot. haha. im not angry or what la. altho i think i should be. but not at u. at myself.
we'll get back to that later. the past few days, i have been working too. for my dad. (is that a good thing?) well, the only incentive is that he pays me. its really not that a great job. who cares. desporado.
He's now a property agent. so u know those junk mail in your mailbox?yea im giving that out. but not to letterboxes, to houses. in seng kang. apparently, letterboxes can now be locked. so i've to go to every single houses in any block he appoints me. and its a few blocks in a day. like.....10 blocks a day?but ive yet to complete every block for that day. haha. moving on.
here's the interesting part. today, (8feb) this temasek poly guy who apparently was on an amazing race, asked me for a ridiculous favour. as follows:
guy - hi, im from temasek poly and on an amazing race. wondering if u can help me for a task?
ian - -sniggers- yea, what izzit?
guy - quite ridiculous la. dunno how to say...
ian - nvm la. what is it?
guy - er, you're suppose to stand on my body and do tasks.
ian - -laughs- u sure anot?im quite heavy leh.
guy - how heavy?
ian - 60+?(i couldnt rmb my weight then)
guy - er, should be ok la.
ian - then ok la.
guy - we go up one floor can anot?here very pai seh. (we were at the void deck of one of the block, resting.)
at first i was quite apprehensive but i scanned him as we were walking up. skinny guy, couldnt be older than me cos im my batch would have been in year 3 in poly and will not be so childish to do an amazing race. haha. if he tried anything funny, i'll take him on. haha. but no need for that la. carrying on~~
so we were at 2nd floor of some random block.
guy - er so, ure suppose to stand on me and
task one - stand still for one minute, walk on him for a minute and jog on him for a minute, step on his face for a minute, take off my socks and shoes and put them back on again.
- or -
task two - jump on him three times, flip vertically (so that im facing the other direction) 3 times, take off shoes and socks and put them on again. task 2 has no time limit.
ian - errr ok. i can...just scared u die only. -laughs-
guy - nvm la, wun die la.
yea...we did the stand stil for one minute first...haha. "ouch" i thought. but he looked like a tough cookie after stepping on him. he even said not pain!haha. okay...that was only the beginning.
i didnt wna do task 2 cos of then jumping. come on!its like calling krys to jump on yiye!hahaha. no offence.
ok so. after the walking one, i kinda warmed up to him. upon asking where he's frm, i learnt he's year 2, some film thing, couldnt catch it. anyway, it slipped my mind that it was for amazing race.
ian - project ar?
guy - no la, just a task.
haha. oops. then i lent my expertise and did the camera placement and stuff. he was using his hp btw. the new sony erricson one. nice. sleek. haha.
so we debated about the whether to do the flip or the jogging. haha. i was for jogging, he was for jumping. okae la. jump.
luckily i can soften my landing. haha. really, or his ribs would have been crushed by my immense weight. (val, ure like happy right.)
so we did the jumps and the flips. and we ended up doing both tasks. cept the jogging. it proved too hard.
ian - wahh go complain to moe la. these kind can kill pple one leh.
guy - -laughs-
yea and through-out the time, everytime somebody got near, he'd rush to get off the floor. hahahaha!that was extremely hilarious. really. he was like scrambling.
haha. then i wished him good luck and we were off. haha. oh!and he was wearing formal wear!oh gosh and i stepped on it!but it didnt look dirty la. haha. it was one of the tasks.
ok, back to aqila. yesterday, around 12+am, she came online. well, her window opened and a link was there. thinking she sent me sth, i clicked it.
i asked her what is it.
aqila - its a virus!
ian - serious?! (a webpage opened, started downloading.)
im still thinking she was kidding.
aqila - quick!run anti-virus!
ian - ok.
i didnt. i went back to what i was doing.
each boom is a msn window la. all asking me 'whats that?' or '?'
ian -'whats what?' 'huh?'
ian asks aqila - what does it do?
aqila - oh it slows down your com.
ian - does it send pple the link too?
aqila - oh yea and that too.
WAOH CRAP!im like sending people viruses!and cant stop them in time!(cause com was slow, rrreeeaalllllllyyyy)
ian - AQILA!!!!!!!!!
aqila - gta go. dad's nagging/screaming(cant rmb which).
oh shit!like....WHO"S GNA HELP ME?!?!?!?!
sean - dude, u got virus.
ian - like i dont know?!(panicky)
yea so i asked SK and sean how. they both gave me a website but different ones. but none helped. thanks anyway. i ran my own virusscan and found a worm. and it was labelled LOW RISK. for goodness sake!LOW RISK CAN CAUSE SO MUCH PROB?!
im such a anti-virus noob. now im well eqipped. damn those little worms and horses. meet your doom asses. and to those people who create those programmes(viruses are actually normal programmes), screw YOU!
yup. ok. long post. i bet u skipped to this part. RESULTS TMR!WO
ohoo...ok, good luck guys. "CHIONG AR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
together ok?=> screwed.
1:23 AM
Monday, February 05, 2007
so many things.
so many things happened since i last blogged. lets see, i didnt really tell many people but i worked at metro, causeway point, for the past wed, thurs and fri. only 3days cos i was relieving a full-timer.
wed: i was sick. flu, runny nose to the extreme that it would drip every now and then. and i went to work. i said sorry to quite afew customers cos i had to run to the store to wipe my nose. haha!
thurs: my mum gave me panodol extra and it really works!thanks mum. but only for afew hours. haha. so just keep eating lo.
fri: woo, finally, flu went away with the runny nose cept for afew stubborn germs. but i still had a sorethroat.
well its not that bad now. and fri was worship prac. after that, the guys and everyone went to 'The Fish Room' to celebrate vern's bday, early. haha. it was fun. we were suppose to go play lan after that but musCles and yc didnt bring their ICs. how smart. so we just tao poked vern and left.
oops!did i say tao pok?well kuen yeow didnt know that cos he came late and 'zzzzzzzt', ripped vern's underwear. haha!!!and went on to try and rip yong xiang's too!for the fun of it. haha!funny funny.
i bought MnM cookies for val frm amaris. MnM cookies!heard that before?no right?ok good. so i took it frm amaris on sat.
and val distributed it to her class and didnt eat it for herself. aiya, im not that petty that she gav it to her class. its just that she didnt eat it!>=<
sat went by fast and extremely tiring. extremely. wed, thurs and fri hav been slping at 2am to 7am. woohoo. fun ar. i slept late again on sat cos i had to send val back. =>
sun woke up early. Thank God. cos i was playing that day. haha. thanks. went randy on Sunday. hmm if given the chance, i would like to learn drums frm him. Isaac told me he plays jazz!gosh. he'll be the first person i know that plays jazz. teach me please!
then, to the surpise of many, i played soccer!haha. i had fun too. i nearly scored TWO GOALS!wah so sad. i nv scored a goal in my life. and both were extremely nice shot if it did go in. sigh...
mon, today. stupid day. suppose to go work at some fair w yick kan. turns out its a no-show. =<
i hope tmr and after will be better days cos i'll be getting my results on fri, 2.30pm.=<
btw, im trying out the other side. haha. tell me if u hate it. or like it.
im bored.
i see your true colours shing through.
8:25 PM